Just as the #Universe is made of #energy, so is all #life, and we are no exception. The 7 #chakra system handles the different energies within us by providing the perfect amount of energy to our #body, #mind, and #soul.
The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel. Like all wheels, they can become unbalanced, worn down, and flat. Unbalanced, weak, or closed chakras result in adverse reactions to various parts of health, relationships, and emotional well-being. This is why it is important to understand the chakras and maintain them.
In this post I will discuss the 7 chakras and their purposes as a basis for future posts on how to balance, strengthen, and even open closed chakras. For people needing immediate help in balancing, opening, or strengthening, please feel free to call or email for an appointment.

The 7th Chakra - The Crown Chakra - Sahaswara (thousand petaled)
This chakra is centered at the top of your head and connects you to the rest of the energy in the universe. This chakra acts as an invisible magnetic force.
The color of this chakra is violet - white.
This chakra cannot be balanced as it can never be unbalanced. The state of this chakra is always as it needs to be. Strengthening of this chakra is done by maintaining, strengthening, and keeping the other 6 chakras in balance.

The 6th Chakra - The Third Eye - Ajna (beyond wisdom)
This chakra controls your 6th sense. This is the sense that perceives information outside of your physical 5 senses.
The color of this chakra is indigo and is located between your eyebrows.
When balanced a person feels tuned to all 6 senses accepting information from all sources.

The 5th Chakra - The Throat Chakra - Vishuddha (very pure)
This chakra gives voice to your personal truths allowing you to speak with truth and clairity.
The color of this chakra is blue and as the name suggests it is located at the throat right between your collarbone. Residing above the heart it is connected to the compassion and love you have for yourself and others.
When balanced you will be able to freely speak with love, kindness, and truth

The 4th Chakra - The Heart Chakra - Anahata (unhurt)
This chakra is where your love, compassion, and kindness are empowered. Love for yourself and love for others is why this chakra is also associated with health and healing.
The color of this chakra is green and located right over your heart.
When balanced you are easily able to feel love for yourself and others equally even under adverse conditions.

The 3rd Chakra - The Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura (lustrous gem)
This chakra is where your self-confidence, identity and personal power are born which is why many refer to this as the warrior chakra. You maybe more familiar with it as the source of where your 'gut feeling' or 'knowing' comes from.
The color of this chakra is yellow and located in the center of your belly button extending upwards to where your two ribs connect.
When balanced you will feel a sense of knowing, decisiveness, and personal power.

The 2nd Chakra - The Sacral Chakra - Svadhishana (the place of self)
This chakra is home to all the creative energy that motivates you to enjoy life as a human. From good food to sex this chakra is all about enjoying the many pleasurable activities life on Earth has to offer us.
The color of this chakra is orange and is located right below the belly button.
I hope you enjoyed the quick read. For some this is old news and hopefully for others this has opened a whole new world of inspiring ideas. We will continue this series of blogs with learning about what overactive and under-balanced chakras look like and concluding with how to balance and strengthen them. I am looking forward to writing them, I hope you look forward to reading them! As always make sure to hit the like/recommend button if you like the article and want me to write more like this, or leave me a comment below

The 1st Chakra - The Root Chakra - Muladhara (root support)
This chakra connects you to the energy of the Earth and grounds you. The purpose of this chakra is to provide you with what you need to survive.
The color of this chakra is red and is located at the very base of your spine, near the tailbone.
When balanced you feel connected to your human experience. Things like money, shelter and safety give you a sense of peace and accomplishment.
I hope you enjoyed the quick read. For some this is old news and hopefully for others this has opened a whole new world of inspiring ideas. We will continue this series of blogs with learning about what overactive and under-balanced chakras look like and concluding with how to balance and strengthen them. I am looking forward to writing them, I hope you look forward to reading them! As always make sure to hit the like/recommend button if you like the article and want me to write more like this, or leave me a comment below!